Ships Log

Blog Week 3

Day 11 Some dolphins showed up for a moment.They always bring lightness and joy with them, the good mood is all around.Crew guest Ken had good fun in participating in the cooking session for dinner, new flavors are on the table.The variable winds finally seem to turn in our favor […]

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The First Five Days

Day 1 Everyone has been looking forward to the departure.After the last preparations and formalities, off we go.Weather conditons and sea state have been quite fair to start with.But we are sailing upwind and it’s not the most comfortable motion, even though Sea Dragon was built for it and remains […]

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Next stop Hawaii

We were lucky enough to have two overnight stops on route, allowing the crew to get familiar with the boat and each other. With the crew feeling fresh and ready for the passage north we are already off to a good start. Nearly 600NM down and 2000 to go. We […]

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On every ocean passage I have ever been part of, the last few days will always test the crew onboard. I can say the crew of Sea Dragon were tested by the consistent squalls carrying high winds and a lot of rain fall right until the very end of the […]

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Crossing the Line

As we venture further south the squalls build with strength and the crew build with confidence on how to manage these random pockets of pressure coming forward to test us. Having earned that right to step across that line, we cross the equator after thanking Poseidon himself for the safe […]

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A Night to Remember

The elegant simplicity of simply setting a course for 180* south and sticking with it for a week was wondrous in and of itself. But executing that plan has been a true adventure, topped by a night I will never forget.  The watch before us braved a fairly raucous squall, […]

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Palmyra Bound

After two days of safety briefings, man overboard drills and Ted darting his eyes at Bruce with looks of “Oh man what did you get me into”, we have finally cast off! The energy and excitement on board is high as everyone is ready for a grand adventure on the […]

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Reflections on Palmyra

We have just returned from one of the most beautiful places on Earth – Palmyra Atoll. Palmyra, a series of coral islands in the middle of the Pacific that most people have probably never heard of, represents hope for healing. The atoll, located approximately 950 nm south of Oahu, has […]

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