Ships Log

A Week at Sea

Today officially marks one week at sea for our Galapagos Glide crew! We have some remarkable human beings on board and its amazing what friendships can be formed after 7 days at sea. A group of total strangers at the beginning of this trip has turned into a strong crew […]

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To the Galapagos

26th January  We are currently entering day 3 at sea of our trip to the Galapagos Islands. Sea Dragon is feeling great after our refit period, everything’s shiny and working nicely. After so long ashore I was keen to get back to sea, and I think she was too- maybe […]

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12 Days at Sea

Today marks our 12th day at sea. For most on board this is the longest they’ve been at sea and slowly conversation is turning to what they’re looking forward to on land. The chance for the mind to wander to shore side delights is helped by the lack of wind […]

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Impressions on the Journey

Three quick impressions from our 1,300 miles at sea as we approach Kiribati after leaving Honolulu about 11 days ago: First, the sailing. Does this boat smile? It feels like Sea Dragon is giving us a ride intro her playground. She loves 20-25 knot winds and moderate seas. A lot […]

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Sailing to Palmyra

Waikiki Yacht Club, under the soaring glamorous beach front hotels, was our embarkation point.Once briefed, we headed south from Hawaii into remote Pacific.Boobies our only companions at sea for the next 6 days. No other boats in sight.The immenseness of the Pacific became clear, as guided by the Southern Cross […]

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Finally Free of Waikiki

May 16,2023. First day of the first leg Waikiki to Palmyra Atoll. Winds currently 15 knots off off the beam in a steady sea.  The crew is elated to get off of the dock.  Smiles all around.  We have several hitchhikers on the rail.  I wonder if these birds know […]

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Before the Airplanes come

How very privileged were we to visit one of the most remote yet inhabited land masses on earth and the world’s largest coral atoll to boot. Christmas island is a place that words simply cannot describe and with residents that epitomise the concept of warmth and genuine friendliness.The crystal blue […]

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April 14 Update

April 14, ship’s time (April 15 local Kiribati time). 3am.We’re bobbing along gently in a light breeze this morning, much as we have been doing the last few days. With only a few knots of wind, often coming from dead ahead, we’ve been mostly motor-sailing lately. Occasionally we’ve raised the […]

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From Tahiti towards the Equator

The crew of Sea Dragon bonded quickly after coming together in Marina Taina, Tahiti and the impressive level of experience with our fledgling team was immediately apparent. After an initial day of safety briefings and final preparations we fueled up on Thursday 6th April and departed for a brief stop […]

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Arrival in Tahiti

After spending several weeks in the middle of the Pacific, the crew has found a new appreciation for the vastness of the world’s largest ocean. Without the hustle and bustle and dramas of land life we have learned to live simply and become creative with our entertainment. We are now […]

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Halfway to Tahiti

Our journey south towards Tahiti has started off far less sporty and splashy than our departure from Oahu. However, less wind has converted the cabin to a sauna with the sweet pungency of fruit beginning to rot with a mixture of body odors and a dash of salt. To add […]

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Christmas Island 

Upon arrival to Kiritimati Island, we experienced a slight delay with being able to clear into the country. The holdup was not due to long lines of lei wearing tourists, as the 8 of us are currently the only travelers visiting the island, but instead because customs and immigration are […]

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