A Week at Sea

Today officially marks one week at sea for our Galapagos Glide crew! We ...

To the Galapagos

26th January We are currently entering day 3 at sea of our trip ...

12 Days at Sea

Today marks our 12th day at sea. For most on board this is ...

Impressions on the Journey

Three quick impressions from our 1,300 miles at sea as we approach Kiribati ...

Sailing to Palmyra

Waikiki Yacht Club, under the soaring glamorous beach front hotels, was our embarkation ...

Finally Free of Waikiki

May 16,2023. First day of the first leg Waikiki to Palmyra Atoll. Winds ...

Before the Airplanes come

How very privileged were we to visit one of the most remote yet ...

April 14 Update

April 14, ship's time (April 15 local Kiribati time). 3am.We're bobbing along gently ...

From Tahiti towards the Equator

The crew of Sea Dragon bonded quickly after coming together in Marina Taina, ...