Ships Log

Plastics again…Hawaii in our rear-view mirror

Hawaii-Oahu Dream Islands,a picture of perfection in the tourist brochures. Certainly beautiful,warm clear waters,great people.Big thanks to Garry Ka’aihue,family and friends for all the Aloha that only Islanders know how to share, and the gifts given on departure especially the whale bone carving of a Honu(Turtle), a sacred animal for […]

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At sea!!

Our first report from sea has just come through from crew member Karen: We left Thursday July 7 at high noon from Honolulu – bright sunny skies and a gentle sea at Lat.23/Long.68N. Skipper Clive knew the seas were up north of the island, so we went the long southern […]

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Outside world…outside world… This is a wet and tired person. A wet and tired person. Do you copy? I was allowed to play VHF operator as we left Fanning Island at 0800 on Friday 24 June, in an attempt to wave goodbye to the school children we had visited the […]

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Thinking about Lights

Light. With the advent of sailing sea-farers built signal fires on the beaches to light their way home. Later on, when technology had advanced to the point where it was possible to leave something burning on deck for more than an hour without losing the whole ship, sailors used lanterns […]

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Bert at the Helm

As of fifteen minutes ago, Bert has been at the helm for almost fourteen hours. In the time, he hasn’t once left to use the head, shower, or eat a meal, despite our best efforts to feed him. While we each took our turn at the wheel, Bert has been […]

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Closing Fast

Just in across the Satphone – urgency rises from the calm of a long crossing- the world of the ocean wilderness begins to melt away as land and busy times quickly approach – Oh to be in CT drinking local brew! Instead we are 202Nm to go hard on the […]

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