Southbound from Alaska

16th - Day 1 afloat - Ketchikan to Foggy Bay An early classic ...
Ketchikan Blog

Ketchikan Blog

Between laundry runs, deep cleaning, dry provisioning, boat maintenance, and final checks, we’ve ...

Blog 4 – written by Jan-Willem

Hooking up — The language of sailing “9.00 — Hook Up” says the ...

Day 7 (28/07/2022) – Forward Harbour to Pearse Island

Quote of the day: “you don't have to know how to get there” ...

The Rest of the First Week to Alaska

Day 4 - False Bay, Lasqueti Island to Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island Quote ...

First 3 Days to Alaska

Day 1Victoria to Bedwell harbour - Southpender Island 0600 rise & shine! Eggs, ...

Blog Week 3

Day 11 Some dolphins showed up for a moment.They always bring lightness and ...

Mid Trip from the North Pacific

Day 6Strong winds have been constant and make our time more challenging as ...

The First Five Days

Day 1Everyone has been looking forward to the departure.After the last preparations and ...