Post Tagged with: "North Atlantic Garbage Patch"

The Ocean Cleanup: Pfannekuchen, swimming, and bioluminescence

Starting off as a joke, the Dutch/German cooking team decided to make Pfannekuchen, the European predecessor of globally popular pancakes. Not thinking of the consequences we started at around 9:30 AM with the cooking, giving us 2.5 h to make approx. 40 Pfannekuchen for the 13 hungry sailors. Needless to say, frying Pfannekuchen on a sailboat rolling with the swell and waves is quite a treat.

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The Ocean Cleanup: Halfway between Bermuda and the Azores

During the past 6 days, we have successfully deployed our Multi-level Trawl 18 times and are doing test-runs of our new Sighting Survey app, which will be officially launched during the upcoming Mega Expedition. We plan to arrive at the Azores on the 13th of July with 363 ocean plastic samples, 13 happy people, and a finalized version of The Ocean Cleanup Survey App for both Apple and Android smartphones.

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