Articles by: panexplore_u6q245

Remote Route | Galapagos – Tahiti

Apr 12 – May 17 | $7950 Join us as we take a less traditional, remote route into the South Pacific, sailing in paradise. We will spend the first few days in Galapagos, going through safety and boat briefings, before setting sail and embracing life of the endless horizon. This […]

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Westward Winds | Grenada – Panama

Feb 2 – Feb 22 | $5950 With a mixture of island hopping and blue water sailing, this is truly Caribbean delight. Firstly, we’ll explore a bit of Grenada and Carriacou before setting sail westward, with fast downwind sailing ahead. With stops in Bonaire and the San Blas islands of […]

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A Week at Sea

Today officially marks one week at sea for our Galapagos Glide crew! We have some remarkable human beings on board and its amazing what friendships can be formed after 7 days at sea. A group of total strangers at the beginning of this trip has turned into a strong crew […]

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To the Galapagos

26th January  We are currently entering day 3 at sea of our trip to the Galapagos Islands. Sea Dragon is feeling great after our refit period, everything’s shiny and working nicely. After so long ashore I was keen to get back to sea, and I think she was too- maybe […]

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12 Days at Sea

Today marks our 12th day at sea. For most on board this is the longest they’ve been at sea and slowly conversation is turning to what they’re looking forward to on land. The chance for the mind to wander to shore side delights is helped by the lack of wind […]

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Impressions on the Journey

Three quick impressions from our 1,300 miles at sea as we approach Kiribati after leaving Honolulu about 11 days ago: First, the sailing. Does this boat smile? It feels like Sea Dragon is giving us a ride intro her playground. She loves 20-25 knot winds and moderate seas. A lot […]

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Sailing to Palmyra

Waikiki Yacht Club, under the soaring glamorous beach front hotels, was our embarkation point.Once briefed, we headed south from Hawaii into remote Pacific.Boobies our only companions at sea for the next 6 days. No other boats in sight.The immenseness of the Pacific became clear, as guided by the Southern Cross […]

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Sailing South | Iceland – UK

Aug 18 – Sept 8 | $5950 Sailing Iceland to the UK provides a mixture of coastal and offshore sailing, the best of both worlds! We’ll take some time to anchorage hop the Southwest coast of Iceland, before visiting the Vestmannaeyjar Islands to the South. Whales, dolphins, seabirds, volcanic activity […]

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