We’re so glad you’ve taken on the challenge of becoming part of our crew, and we can’t wait to have you on board! We are looking forward to sailing with you and making your experience the very best. The following information is intended to assist your transition into the team and your journey. It covers the basics on roles and expectations, some important practicalities, and everything you’ll need to prepare yourself for life on board.


We pride ourselves in providing the ultimate life-changing adventure–a hands-on sailing experience where you can explore rare destinations and challenge yourself.  We are, however, not a charter cruising company, we do not provide uncompromised luxury travel, we are not an ocean-going liner, nor a superyacht. Instead, we are a working sailing vessel that aims to empower our guest crew to learn about and participate in all aspects of operating a small sailing vessel, whilst having an incredible adventure.


You are joining a working expedition as a full member of the crew. As such, you will be involved in virtually all aspects of the voyage and operations. On board, you will be part of a team of up to 13 crew, including yourself.

Our expectations of you are fairly straightforward and your team will depend on you to fully participate in everything on the boat. You will be expected to work hard to the best of your ability, to be conscientious, alert, and to look after the boat and to care for each other. You will not be asked to do anything you are not comfortable doing.

Normally the first 24 hours of every voyage will be devoted to training. We may take a short day sail, or we may stay on the dock and extensively review the boat and her systems. This is an important opportunity for training and you will be shown how to do any task patiently, and for as long as it takes, for you to learn the right way. This is not a graded, competitive sport but a team of crew pulling together! With your strengths and diverse skills completing the team, we have the ingredients for a successful and fun adventure.


A few steps need to be taken to prepare for boarding Sea Dragon. Before your trip you need to complete and submit the following:

  1. Crew Profile Form. This provides us with your personal and next of kin details, any dietary requirements, passport/visa information, flight details, and any specific goals you have for the trip.
  2. Guest Crew Contract (which you complete upon booking). This outlines Pangaea Exploration’s agreements and expectations and secures an agreement between yourselves and Pangaea Exploration for passage aboard our vessel. It is important that the contract is read thoroughly and you are informed of both parties’ contractual obligations.

You will then get a welcome pack for your voyage! This document provides all the essential details for your upcoming trip. It includes:

  • Meeting Information: Specifics on where and when to meet the vessel.
  • Airport Guidance: Recommendations on the best airports to use.
  • Transportation Tips: Directions for traveling from the airport to the marina and vice versa.
  • Packing List: A comprehensive list of what to pack for your expedition.
  • Itinerary: A tentative schedule of the expedition’s activities.
  • Crew Introduction: An introduction to your professional crew members.

This information is designed to ensure you are well-prepared and informed for your journey.


Medical Form

Tropical Packing List

Temperate Packing List


You will need to complete this form as it includes your basic medical history as well as any important medical information we may need in case of an emergency aboard the vessel. You will need to bring this completed form to the boat as this will be collected when you arrive. Please do not send this via email.

Please note:  You are responsible for obtaining all required vaccinations and health prevention measures prior to arrival. If you have any medical concerns about your fitness for the voyage, please contact us and we can discuss with you and our Ship’s Doctor, Dr. Spike Briggs, of Medical Support Offshore before you come aboard.


When making your travel arrangements it’s important to remember that sailing is subject to changeable sea conditions and the weather, so some leeway should be made in your plans for unpredictable delays and to give yourself time to allow for any holdups. 


Remember that there is no internet on board, but you can send/receive short emails through the satellite phone via an offline email service called XGate.  Please inform anyone planning to email you to keep their emails as short as possible, remove any previous message thread, not to use text formatting, email signatures or file attachments.  Remember to bring with you any email addresses you want.

If you would like to use the satellite phone, the following charges apply and you will receive a bill upon departure:

*Very short incoming and outgoing email messages = no charge
*Sending photographs as attachments and long chunks of text = $0.10US per kB of data.  So a 20 –  30kB image (this is what we usually send and is OK for web) is $2-3US
*Outgoing phone calls (incoming not possible) = $1.50US per minute

We have limited supplies of US plugs, 120VAC power for personal use. There are 12 VDC charging sockets available.


We operate a NO SMOKING policy on the boat at all times, including vaping. We also operate under a “zero tolerance” rule for controlled or illegal drugs, as defined by the United States Coast Guard and British Maritime and Coastal Agency. This means there must be no trace of any with you. 

Sea Dragon operates as a ‘dry’ (alcohol-free) vessel when underway. At the Captain’s discretion this might also extend to some anchorages should there be the possibility of having to ‘up anchor’. In port, alcohol consumption should be within a reasonable limit, and whilst we will not ‘police’ this, the Captain reserves the authority to refuse boarding to anyone who poses a risk to fellow crew the vessel, or where they disturb the harmony aboard.


We recommend you pack light.  Pack in a small, squashy duffle-type bag, not hard suitcases as there is no room to store them on board.  Your storage space will be in a box next to your bunk, dimensions – 50cm x 40cm x 26cm.  


Feel free to call us at +1(305)330-4212 or email us at info@panexplore.com