Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

Return to the Phoenix Islands – May 14 – 18

Adventures in Nikumaroro Written by Michael Fox | PhD student Scripps Institute of Oceanography Post-doctoral Scholar-to-be Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.   18 May 2018       Yesterday we arrived at Nikumaroro, perhaps the most famous of the Phoenix islands, as it is the supposed final […]

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Return to the Phoenix Islands – May 06

From Polliwogs to Shellbacks. Written by Nathaniel Mollica | PhD student, MIT-WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.   06 May 2018 Photo by Richard Brooks, Lightening Strike Media Productions, Palau       Today reached the equator, and the science began. As the trade winds push water […]

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Archibald the Beaver dives with the Cohen Lab | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

In addition to our science team and crew, there is a special inhabitant of Sea Dragon. His name is Sir Archibald Munchingham, a cunning and amusing little fellow who came aboard as stowaway near Niagara Falls during Sea Dragon’s last transit in Canadian waters. Known as nature’s engineer, Archibald’s company […]

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Mission Accomplished | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

1,002 nautical miles. That’s how far we traveled without using a drop of fuel. A steady trade-wind breeze, a solid vessel, and a little sailing know-how powered those 1,002 nautical miles. Here’s some more numbers. 29 meters of coral skeleton drilled. The species we sampled grow roughly 3 millimeters per […]

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