What brought me here? This is the question of the year. I have always been desperate to get to sea, to see the world, to ride the waves. It’s true, life on board ocean-going Sea Dragon is a bit like riding a perpetual roller coaster. Up above, it is as if you are a seabird gliding just above the swells. Down below, it is a bit more like you are in one of those spaceship simulators you find in the mall. Everything is a game. Can I (fill in the blank – cook, eat, sleep, stand, walk, etc) while the boat is tipped on its side and the g-forces are trying to crash me into (fill in the blank)? Is it what I expected? I am not sure what I expected, but I can tell you I am loving it!

Flying Fish?!

I haven’t yet seen my first dolphin or whale, but I have seen 10 to 20 seabirds of various shapes and sizes, 3 song birds far from home (the little tweetie birds cling to the boat to catch their breath before heading back into the thick of their oceanic passage), countless flying fish, the electric sparkle of the biolumins, and Sargassum. Captain Eric says he almost caught us a tuna, but everyone was in such a coma from the intense labor of daily life on a sailing yacht that we did not hear his cries for help, and the fish got away right at the moment of truth.

“There is magic in it. Let the most absent-minded of men be plunged in his deepest reveries- stand that man on his legs, set his feet a-going, and he will infallibly lead to you to water. . .”

– Kate Du Plessis, Administration and Marketing Coordinator, Pangaea Exploration, May 4, 2014