Today is one of the toughest days of any expedition - just before we go. We are at maximum preparation
I don't know if this is how it was for Magellan, Columbus, Lewis and Clark, Shackelton, Neil Armstrong and Buzz
When we think about the future, particularly in environmental work, we so often feel the "walls" closing in on us-
  It's been a crazy year for us, lot's of press, lots of great partnerships forming.  As many of you
One of the important ideas in recovering from this dramatic marine debris program is "lifecycle management" or "cradle to cradle"
One of the toughest parts of conservation, business, family life or any human endeavor seems to be facing reality. We
As hard as we work on observation, research and some point we need to get to solutions. Dr. Marcus
Today is important. It is the 100th anniversary of a man, and frankly, an era that has driven so much
That's it, right there, the first time I saw the ocean- only 14 years old... We recently had a chance